Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mike's Mountain Goat Hunt

I just returned from my Mountain goat hunt. It was the toughest hunt of my life. A couple of times I feared for my life and was praying all the way up (and back down!) that steep mountain. It took 4 hours to climb to the top where the goats were. On the backside of the mountain where I had to climb, there was snow. I had to lean on both my rifle and shooting stick to be able to lift my foot to take another step. I had to pick small rock out-croppings to get a foothold. It got so bad, I could not turn around and go back down, so I had to go up. When I finally reached the top, I spotted 6 goats bedded down, 258 yards away. I shot the only billy in the group. First shot was a double-lung hit. I was afraid he would fall 1,000 feet down the mountain, so I shot again hitting him in the shoulder. He fell and rolled a couple of times before stopping. Then the work continued. After skinning him, I put him in my pack. I wrapped the meat in a trash bag and my coat because I was not making another trip up the mountain. So, with about an extra 125 lbs. I found a wash, and slid down the other side of the mountain because it was impossible to stand up. And I feared for my life again. It was a hunt I will never forget. The pictures do not do these mountains justice. It was incredibly steep. (NOTE FROM WIFE: It's a good thing this was a once-in-a-lifetime hunt because I don't think I could let him do this again. Way to nerve-wracking!)

Here I am with the goat back at camp. I forgot to take the camera with me on the hunt.

The goats were in the saddle between the two peaks.

Here is a photo of where I was when I shot my Mountain Goat. I was at the very peak - 13,000+ feet.


Lavy Country said...

glad you are safe and have the goat to show for you risking your life! I know that is one hunt Wayne is glad he missed. Wayne said "nice goat". Wish we were there celebrating Fall with you. We made carmel apples this past wknd. No Big B's apple cider though!! Enjoy your Fall!

Kay Church said...

Congratulations Mike!
So happy you got your mountain goat! I had many people praying for both you and your family.