Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hey Guys - Check out this Rack!

We went antler hunting today in search of a few Muley sheds. But instead - this is what we found! (Actually, Kim found them, but it was a family affair:) Mike thinks this elk rack would score between 320-330. Each of the kids found a deer shed, and Mike found 4 hard whites. It was definitely a fun, productive hunt!

1 comment:

Florida Bozone Bunch said...

Thoses are huge. Pardon my ignorance, but what do you do with the antlers you find? Congratulations on the soccer win. I see your snow has melted. It looks like spring is headed your way. I hope you are all feeling much better after your sick days. We just had a women's retreat and Sarah(Wolf)Fry was the speaker. She did an excellent job talking about living for Jesus in the real world. It made me feel old since she was a kid when we were in college. Oh well, time marches on. Have a super day!!