Monday, January 19, 2009

Kim's First Elk



I shot my first elk this evening. I had a late season cow tag (private land only) and permission to hunt on a couple of places close to home. I actually shot this cow less than 1 mile from our house. It was by far the easiest pack job that Mike has ever had to do on an elk (Wayne, eat your heart out:) Mike and Lance just winched onto the cow and dragged her on home with the 4-wheeler. We waited until we were at home to get pictures, as I shot her so close to dark. She was very big - Mike said she was bigger than some bulls he has shot. All the more meat for the freezer! Hunter was VERY excited. He said, "Mama, she's as big as a horse!":)
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Lavy Country said...

Congrats Kim. Wayne said if he were there he would have returned the favor and help put up elk meat and of course follow it with a good game of 7up 7down. And Wayne doesn't know how to drop an elk close to home. I think he enjoys the tow especially on Lance and Mike's goat trails :o) Wish we were there. Way to go Kim!

Diane said...

Yes, way to go Kim!!!

Florida Bozone Bunch said...

Congratulations! You are some woman. I think you have the right to be proud of yourself. I am sure you are excited about the wonderful meat in the freezer.