Mike has a tradition of going on some kind of a hunt - ducks, pheasant, coyote, etc. - every Thanksgiving morning. This year he went coyote hunting with an older man from church, Doc. Doc is 79 years old, and still loves to get out to hunt or fish with anyone he can get to go with him! Mike had a great time, and ended up bringing home 2 coyotes.
Kim...are going to fix Mike coyote soup? Just what do you do with a coyote or two??????????
They are beautiful animals!
Mom Church
I have the same question. Do you eat them?
No - we don't eat them! YUK! Mike was actually going to get one tanned, but he decided he wanted a bigger one. We're overrun with coyotes around here, and the ranchers, etc. are happy for every one shot. They hurt the deer and pheasant population, as well as bother the cattle.
nice looking coyotes! when can i go with ya?
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